
Brampton Connections - by Ann Campbell

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Brampton Connections – Dances by Ann Campbell



  1. The Award of Scroll – 8x32R
  2. The Burnett Strathspey – 8x32S
  3. A Casual Briefing – 8 x32J
  4. Cribmaster Extraordinare – 8x32R
  5. Heather’s Strathspey – 8x32S
  6. Kathleen Stokoe of Dundee – 8x32S
  7. My Friend Margo – 8x32R
  8. Ready To Begin Again – 8x32J
  9. St. Andrew’s Salute to Saskatoon – 3x40S
  10. Susan’s Syringa Strathspey – 8x32S
  11. Twenty-Five Glorious Years – 8x32J
  12. and three dances which feature variations on the promenade (chaperoned) chain progression
    1. Roberta MBE – 8x32R
    2. In Memory if Marjorie – 8x32S
    3. A Dance for Donna – 4x64 Medley



Product CodeB2229pdf
ManufacturerCampbell, Ann

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