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A - B
Briscoe, Ellie
Brown, Duncan
Anderson, Bob
Arrowsmith, Ron
Attwood, Jean
Barbour, Ian
Barnes, E. L.
Beattie, Bob
Bell, Dorothy
Bennett, Richard
Birsall, Dale
Blaschke, Marylyn and Ted
Boehmer, Marie
Boyd, Holly
Boyd, Iain
Bradley, Jenny
Brandon, Mary S.
Brenchley, John
Briscoe, Mel
Brown, Alasdair
Burrage, Priscilla
Burrows, R. J.
Brunken, Elaine
Williamson, William & Coull, Gary
C - D
C - D
Clindinning, Wes
Clement, Bill
Closser, Kristi
Collin, Gaye
Campbell, Ann
Campbell, Robert
Charlton, Brian
Chamoin, Jacques & Liliane
Clark, Pat
Clarke, Douglas
Clement, Atsuko
Cosh, James
Coutts, Frank
Cumming, Les
Davidson, Lily
Davis, Alan
Derrick, Lewis
Dickson, John Bowie
Dix, Ann
Drewry, John
Duewell, Heinz
Dunnington Browns
Durnin, Cheryl
Dugan, Ray
E - H
E - H
Horne, Kim
Fidler, Irene
Freinbichler, Regina
Fordyce, Bruce
Gerrie, Blair
Emmerson, George S.
Eder, Ernst
Ferguson, Hugh (Dalriada)
Flett, J. F. and Flett T. M.
Forbes Bill
Foss, Hugh
Gallamore, Sandy
Gambold, Peter
Glasspool, Terry
Goldring, Roy
Gonnella, Ron / Murray, Evelyn
Gorman, Ann
Gray, Alex
Graydon, Sheila
Green, Jeff
Gregg, Robert
Hamilton, J. / Langdon Kass, S
Hanson, Lou
Hall, Tom
Hay, Alec
Haynes, Derek
Herbold, Bruce
Higgs, Nicki
Holden, Ann
Houghton, Robert
I - L
I - L
Landon, Murrough
Loeb, Arthur
Kerr, Tom
Little, Bill
Jamieson, Ian
Jennings, Gillian
Johnstone, Jackie
Johnstone, Muriel
Karwelis, Donald
Katzberg, Ferne
Kent, Pat
Keppie, Duncan and Maggie
Knox, Heather
Klann, Diane
Knopf, Dr. Karl
Kobayashi, Kobby
Laidlaw, Ruary
Lataille, Jane
Levy, Milton
Ligtmans, Frans
Lingnau, Anselm
Little, Hope
M - R
M - R
Miller, Elizabeth
MacLeod, Stewart
Marshall, Peter
MacCuish Bark, Deirdre
Robertson, Ian
Moyes, Fred
McCausland, Elma
Newitt, David
Macfarlane, May
MacKinnon, Gene
McBryde, Peter
McColl, Jeanetta
McConachie, Jack
McMurtry, Bob
Melen, Mats
Miller, Fiona
Mitchell, John W.
Mitchell, Niall & Rosemary
Morris, John
Morton, Jay
Motts, judy
Paterson, Irene
Petyt, Sue
Priddey, Barry
Rawlings, Mick and Trisha
Rigby, John
Ronald, Chris
Queen, David
Rae, Jim
Ramwell, Evelyn
Reeves, J. & J.
Rhodes, Harry
Ryer, Charles
S - Z
S - Z
Thorn, Anne
Steven, Karen
Williams, Craig
Stott, James
Selling, Geoffrey & Cecily
Sargent, Rob
Scott, Simon
See, Elma
Sherman, Holly
Sibley, Gail
Skelton, Barry
Skinner, Carole
Smith, Carol
Smith, Kent W.
Springer, Alison
Stacey, Moira
Steed, Dee
Stein, Ben
Stephenson, J. Trevor
StrathsBabes (Pam Stephens & Ellen Ternes)
Swirles, George
Taylor, Ruth
Trinkaus-Randall, Gregor
van Nus, Marge
Veranth, Martha
Wallace, Ron / Thomas, Gary
Wallace, Frances
Watson, Marylin
West, Eddy
Will, George
Williamson, William
Wood, John
Zadworny, Margaret
Branches & Groups
Branches & Groups
A - E
A - E
Cheshire Branch RSCDS
Atlanta Branch
Dunfermline Branch
Deeay Music
Aberdeen Branch
Ardbrae Dancers of Ottawa
Aurora Scottish Dance and Music
Ayr Branch
Banffshire Branch
Belfast Branch
Berkhamsted Branch
Birmingham Branch
Boston Branch
Bristol Branch
Brockville SC Dancers
Canberra Branch
Central Kentucky Branch
Chiba SCD Group
Chigago Branch
Croyden and District Branch
Delaware Valley Branch
Deep Cove Scottish Country Dance Club
Dundee Branch
Dunedin Dancers
East Ivanhoe Group (Australia)
Edinburgh University New Scotland CD Society
Edinburgh Branch
Exeter Branch
F - M
F - M
Fredrickton SCD Group
Glasgow Branch
Guisborough SCD Club
Haliburton SC Dancers
Hamilton (Ontario) Branch
Herefordshire Branch
Heston & District Scottish Association
Highlander Scottish Dance and Music
Houston & District Branch
Howick SCD Club
Imperial Society
Inverness Branch
Island Bay Club
Isle of Skye Branch
Kingston (Ontario) Branch
Kitchener-Waterloo Branch
Leeds Branch
Leicester Branch
London (Canada) Branch
London (UK) Branch
Lower Hutt Scottish Country Dance Club
Los Angeles Branch
Lyndhurst Group
Macaulay SC Dancers
Madoma SCD Group
Milford Scottish Country Dance Club
Montreal Branch
N - R
N - R
RSCDS Tokai Branch
Paris Branch
Quick Scotch Dance Group
Napier Scottish Country Dance Club
New Haven Branch
New World SC Dancers
New York Branch
New Zealand Branch
Newcastle-upon-tyne and District Branch
Newfoundland Branch
Newport SCD Club
Northallerton Caledonian Society
Northampton Class
Nottingham Branch
Orange County Branch
Ottawa Branch
Pinewoods (Boston)
Perth and Perthshire Branch
Peterborough SC Dancers
Portland Oregon Branch
Pretoria Branch
Ribble Valley Branch
Roxburgh Selkirk & Peebles Branch
RSCDS BHS Border Branch
RSCDS in East Lothian
RSCDS Stirling Branch
S - Z
S - Z
San Diego Branch
Santa Fe Scottish Country Dancers
Sacramento Branch
Saitama Branch
Salt Lake SC Dancers
San Francisco Branch
Saskatchewan Branch
Sheffield Branch
Scottish National Dance Company
Southwest Washington State Branch
Southport Branch
St. Andrews Branch
Sydney Branch
The Sunday Class
Thistle Society
Tokyo Socttish Bluebell Club
Toronto Branch
Tunbridge Wells Branch
Twin Cities Branch
Vancouver BC Branch
Vancouver (USA) SC Dancers
Vienna Branch
Washington DC Branch
West Toronto Ball Committee
White Rock Country Dance Club
Winnipeg Branch
York & North Humberside Branch
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Aberdeen Branch
Anderson, Bob (BC)
Anderson, R.
Ardbrae Dancers of Ottawa
Arnheim, Daniel D.
Arrowsmith, Ron
Atlanta Branch
Attwood, Jean
Aurora Scottish Dance and Music
Ayr Branch
Banffshire Branch
Barbour, Ian
Barnes, E. L.
Beattie, Bob
Belfast Branch
Bell, Dorothy
Berkhamsted Branch
Birdsall, Dale
Birmingham Branch
Blaschke, Marilyn and Ted
Boehmer, Marie
Bond, D.P.
Bond, D.P. / Haynes, D.
Boston Branch
Boyd, Holly
Boyd, Iain
Bradley, Jenny
Brandon, Mary S.
Brenchley, John
Briscoe, Ellie
Briscoe, Mel
Bristol Branch
Brown, Alasdair
Brown, Duncan
Brunken, Elaine
Burrage, Priscilla
Burrows, R.J.
Campbell, Ann
Campbell, Robert
Canberra Branch
Central Kentucky Branch
Chamoin, Jacques & Liliane
Charlton, Brian
Cheshire Branch RSCDS
Chiba Scottish Country Dance Group
Chicago Branch
Clark, Pat
Clarke, Douglas
Clement, Atsuko
Cleveland Heights Group Scottish Country Dancers
Clowes, Roy
Collins Publishing
Corson, Mina
Cosh, James
Coutts, Frank
Croydon and District Branch
Davis, Alan
Davison, Lily
Deeay Music
Deep Cove Scottish Country Dance Club
Delaware Valley Branch
Dennis, Linda Mae
Derrick, Lewis
DeVroome, Rik
Dickson, John Bowie
Dix, Ann
Dobrowolski, Christine
Donaldson, Liz
Douglas, Jean
Downey, Rod
Drewry, John
Duewell, Heinz
Dugan, Ray
Dundee Branch
Dunedin Dancers
Dunfermline Branch
Dunnington Browns, The
Durnin, Cheryl
East Ivanhoe Group (Australia)
Edinburgh Branch
Edinburgh University New Scotland Country Dance Society
Emmerson, George S.
Exeter Branch
Ferguson, Hugh
Flett, J.F. and Flett, T.M.
Forbes, Bill
Fordyce, Bruce
Foss, Hugh
Franklin, Eric
Fredericton SCD Group
Freinbichler, Regina
Frew, Bobby
Gallamore, Sandy
Gambold, Peter
George, Aliesa
Gerrie, Blair
Glasgow Branch
Glasspool, Terry
Goldring, Roy
Gorman, Ann
Gradon, Sheila
Gray, Alex
Green, Jeff
Gregg, Robert A.
Guisborough SCD Club
Haliburton S.C. Dancers
Hall, Tom
Hamilton (Ontario) Branch
Hamilton, J. / Langdon Kass, S.
Hanson, Lou
Haynes, Derek
Henderson, Douglas
Herbold, Bruce
Herefordshire Branch
Heston & District Scottish Association
Higgs, Nicki
Highland Music Trust
Highlander Music
Holden, Anna
Horne, Kim
Houghton, Robert
Howick SCD Club
Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing
Inverness Branch
Jamieson, Ian
Jennings, Gillian
Johnstone, Jackie
Johnstone, Muriel
Karwelis, Donald
Katzberg, Ferne
Kent, Pat
Keppie, Duncan
Keppie, Duncan and Maggie
Kerr, Tom
Kingston Ontario Branch
Kitchener - Waterloo SCD Group
Klann, Diane
Knopf, Dr. Karl
Knox, Heather
Kohn. Livia
Laidlaw, Ruary
Landon, Murrough
Lang Syne Publishing
Lataille, Jane
Leeds Branch
Leicester Branch
Levy, Milton
Ligtmans, Frans
Lingnau, Anslem
Lockhart, G.W.
Loeb, Arthur
London (Canada) Branch
London (UK) Branch
Los Angeles Branch
Lower Hutt Scottish Country Dance Club
Lyndhurst Group
Macaulay Scottish Country Dancers
MacCuish Bark, Deirdre
MacDonald, Alastair
Macfarlane, May
MacKinnon, Gene
MacLeod, Stewart
Madison County Scottish Country Dancers
Madoma Group
Marshall, Peter
McBryde, Peter
McColl, Jeanetta
McConachie, Jack
McLean, Alice
McMurtry, Bob
Melbourne & District Branch of the RSCDS
Melen, Mats
Milford Scottish Country Dance Club
Miller, Fiona
Mitchell, John W.
Mitchell, Niall & Rosemary
Montreal Branch
Morris, John
Morton, Jay
Motts, Judy
Moyes, Fred
Murray, Evelyn / Gonnella, Ron
Napier Scottish Country Dance Club
Napier, Keith H.
National Association of Accordion and Fiddle Clubs
New Haven Branch
New World Dancers
New York Branch
New Zealand Branch
Newcastle-upon-Tyne and District Branch
Newfoundland Branch
Newport SCD Club
Northallerton Caledonian Society
Northampton class of Boston Branch
Nottingham Branch
Orange County Branch, California
Ottawa Branch
Paris Branch
Paterson, Irene
Perth and Perthshire Branch
Peterborough S.C. Dancers
Petrov, Susie
Petyt, Sue
Pilling, F.L.
Pinewoods (Boston)
Portland, Oregon Branch
Pretoria Branch
Priddey, Barry
Queen, David
Rae, Jim
Ramwell, Evelyn
Rawlings, Mick and Trisha
Reeves, J. & J.
Rhodes, Harry
Ribble Valley Branch
Rigby, John
Robertson, Ian
Ronald, Chris
Ross, Kathleen
Roxburgh Selkirk & Peebles Branch
RSCDS Belfast Branch
RSCDS BHS Border Branch
RSCDS Houston & District Branch
RSCDS in East Lothian
RSCDS Pretoria
RSCDS Southwest Washington State Branch
RSCDS Stirling
RSCDS Tokai Branch
RSCDS Toronto
Ryer, Charles
Sacramento Branch
Saitama Branch
San Diego Branch
San Francisco Branch
Santa Fe Scottish Country Dancers
Sargent, Rob
Saskatchewan Branch
Schoolbraid, Murray
Scott, Simon
Scottish National Dance Company
See, Elma
Selling, Geoffrey and Cecily
Sheffield Branch
Sherman, Holly
Short, Mervyn
Sibley, Gail & Bennett, Richard
Sidlaw Music
Sigg, Claudette
Skelton, Barry
Skinner, Carole
Smith, Carol
Smith, Kent W.
Southport Branch
Spilken, Terry L.
Springer, Alison
St. Andrews Branch
Stacey, Moira
Steed, Dee
Stein, Ben
Step Dances
Stephenson, J. Trevor
Steven, Karen
Stott, James
StrathsBabes (Pam Stephens & Ellen Ternes)
Swirles, George
Sydney Branch
Tang, S
Taylor, Ruth
The Island Bay Club
The Isle of Skye Branch
The Salt Lake S.C. Dancers
The Sunday Class
The Thistle Society
Thomas, Gary & Wallace, Ron
Thorn, Anne
Tokyo Scottish Bluebell Club
Trinkaus-Randall, Gregor
Tunbridge Wells Branch
Twin Cities Branch
van Nus, Marge
Vancouver BC Branch
Vancouver USA S.C. Dancers
Veranth, Martha
Vienna Branch
Wallace, Frances
Wallace, Ron
Wardrope, Deborah
Washington DC Dancers
Watkins, A. and Clarkson, P.
Watson, Marilyn
Werner, Edwin
West Toronto Ball Committee
West, Eddy
White Rock Country Dance Club
Wiesler, Dave
Will, George
Williams, Craig
Williamson, William
Williamson, William & Coull, Gary
Winnipeg Branch
Wood, John
York & North Humberside Branch
Zadworny, Margaret
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The New Ruthven Winter
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Resources for New Teachers
TAC Notes on RSCDS Dances Sixth Edition 2012
RSCDS Book 53 with Music
Formation Foundations by Chris Ronald
Always Enough to Dance
A Handbook for Scottish Country Dance Teachers 4th Ed.
Still Enough to Dance
Montreal Moments
A Handbook for SCD Teachers
Teaching Aids, Hints and Ideas
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