RSCDS Cheshire Branch 40th Anniversary
Sixteen Dances devised by present and former members of the Cheshire Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society and published to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Branch
The Lightning Conductor J 32 X 8
Barbara White's Diamond Strathspey S 32 X 3
Mr David W Mitchell J 32 X 3
The Cats of Milton Rough R 32 X 8
The Cheshire Branch Reel R 64 X 4 Square Set
The Wyches of Cheshire S 32 X 3 Triangular Set
Zoom into Dance R 32 X 8
Chester Cross S 32 X 4
Paula Wright's Jig J 32 X 8
Old Pale HIll S 32 X 3
Chairman's Challenge J 40 X 8
The Default Position S 32 X 3
A Reel for Liz R 32 X 4
The Wee Small Hours S 32 X 8
For Those in the Cheap Seats R 32 X 8