
Ca Va Bien Aller

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Product Information

Ca Va Bien Aller


  • New Scottish Country Dances Devised by Holly Boyd

  1. Introduction
  2. A Reel for Renato
  3. No Hands!
  4. Music for No Hands!
  5. Interesting Times
  6. Amelia Frances Charlotte Wood (aka Milton)
  7. Our Red Zone Strathspey
  8. Virtual Happiness
  9. Anticipation
  10. The Scarecrow Jig
  11. Dr. Ligon of Marietta
  12. Dancing in 3D
  13. Annie’s Dance
  14. Tour En L’Air
  15. Darwin
  16. As Time Goes By
  17. Heart & Soul
  18. Dancing with the Daffodils
  19. Ca Va Bien Aller
  20. Stone Mountain Golden Gala Reel
  21. Thank You Linda Henderson
  22. Troubles End
  23. Bonus Dance By Guest Devisor/li>
  24. Gravitas
  25. Music for Gravitas “Full Circle”
Product CodeB 2238 pdf
ManufacturerBoyd, Holly

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